Film Developing Service (Mail in or Drop off)

Film is very much alive at Horn Photo! We develop film daily. Our photo lab technicians have a combined experience that spans several decades, and we exclusively use Kodak chemistry for C-41 film processing (a machine-based process that guarantees consistent results with every roll of color film), Kodak T-MAX developer for black and white film, and Kodak RA-4chemistry for printing. Our lab processes all standard formats of color and black and white negative film including 135 film (35mm film), 120 film, and 240 (APS film) formats. We also develop disposable cameras!

How to mail order your Film Developing


Place your order and pay online

Pick the type of film to develop and pay online.
Order and Pay Online

Package your film

Place your film in a padded or bubble wrap envelope or small box.
NOTE: Include a note with your name, address, email and phone number so that we can match it with your payment.

Mail the package to us

Ship your package to:
Horn Photo
7899 N. Blackstone Ave
Fresno CA, 93720

How to order in-store


Drop by the store and leave us your film


Once your film has been developed we will be in touch

Come pick up your negatives and digitized photos or have us Dropbox scans to you.

Details about our film development service

When you mail film or drop off at Horn Photo you have options: Dropbox image scans to your email, burn them to a CD, or have your images saved to USB. You can also have Fujifilm archival prints made. We offer higher resolution images and cutting and sleeving of the film as options as well.

We hand process all true black and white film like Kodak Tri-X, Kodak T-MAX, Ilford Delta, Ilford HP5, and more. We offer prints on Fujifilm glossy, matte, or metallic paper in either 4x6” or 5x7” formats at a discounted rate if ordered at the time of developing.

Need more film? Well we have plenty of fresh Kodak, Ilford, Fujifilm, CineStill, Lomography and more in various ISO ratings on-hand! Shop fresh film in-store or online from Horn Photo.

What you need to know

Having trouble placing your order?

Simply give us a call at (559) 225-5080 or email us and we'll find a way for you to get us your film!

Film Processing, Developing & Services

Digital Images

Develop Only
Dev plus 1 ea. 4x6 print, 24 exposures
Dev plus 1 ea. 4x6 print, 36 exposures
Add CD or Dropbox (3089x2048 pixels)
Add Max Resolution CD or Dropbox (6774x4492 pixels)
Dev and Scan to CD or Dropbox
Dev and Max Resolution Scan to CD or Dropbox
Push Processing
$4.00 per stop
Processing Charge (blank roll)

prints, film or slides scanned to disk (under 8x10 - minimum of 10)

Develop Only
120 645 format 1 4x6 each 15 exposures
120 6x7 format 1 4x5 each 10 exposures
120 6x6 format 1 5x5 each 12 exposures
Add Max Resolution CD or Dropbox (highest possible)
Dev and Max Resolution Scan to CD or Dropbox
Push Processing
$4.00 per stop
Processing Charge (blank roll)

Odd Sized Film to desk (110, 126, 4x5 sheet film ect. minimum of 10)

Develop Only
Dev plus 1 ea. 4x6 print, 24 exposures
Dev plus 1 ea. 4x6 print, 36 exposures
Add CD or Dropbox (3089x2048 pixels)
Add Max Resolution CD or Dropbox (6774x4492 pixels)
Dev and Scan to CD or Dropbox
Dev and Max Resolution Scan to CD or Dropbox
Push Processing
$4.00 per stop
Processing Charge (blank roll)

Styrene & Gatorfoam Mounting Prices

Print Size (in)
Gatorfoam Mounting
Develop Only
120 645 format 1 4x6 each 15 exposures
120 6x7 format 1 4x5 each 10 exposures
120 6x6 format 1 5x5 each 12 exposures
Add Max Resolution CD or Dropbox
(highest possible)
Dev and Max Resolution Scan to CD or Dropbox
Push Processing
$4.00 per stop
Processing Charge (blank roll)